Carolyn Lee here and I
want to say Hello and Welcome.
Today I Want to Share the 5 Vital Marketing Steps To Financial Freedom
One: Drive targeted traffic to your lead capture page, and collecting
the lead in your Funnel System or Capture Page.
There are many ways to do this and Direct Pay System Teaches you step by
step how to do this.
� Blogs
� Safelists
� Solo ads
� Banners
� Press Releases which you could do free with DPS
� Article Marketing
� Video Marketing
� Phone Broadcasting
� Bulk Emailing
� Purchase & Phone Leads Who Have Stated Interest In Making Money From Home
� Post On Free Places Like Backpage
� Social Media � Facebook - Youtube - Vimeo -
� Postcards, Magazine Ads, Newspapers, Christmas Cards, Send Out Cards
Step Two: Build Your List / Build Your Audience
Your List / Audience is a group of people that were attracted by your marketing and
registered in your marketing funnel. When you join me, I will have complete attraction marketing training for you - which could attract thousands a month to your bog and website.
If you do not yet have an optin page ( funnel system where you build your list ), here is my favorite, and by far the easiest to use.
You can join for free. As a paid member, you can Blog for free. To join, click here
Step #3: Creating Conversions
Convert your traffic (leads) into cash paying customers�..
You can create conversions almost on demand by providing good content which by default helps
the important �know, like and trust� formula so your prospects become your customers.
This is only the beginning phase of the attraction marketing and internet marketing coaching
you will receive with me. This will be an intense education in making money online and onward
to financial freedom.
Step #4: Take Action Daily
You must take action to be successful; however, that being said... do not waste time with chores
which can be done with automation.
I have a question for you�. Do you know how to you can benefit with Leveraging?
Leveraging is a very powerful force that can multiply your efforts � Leveraging provides you with
enormous returns.
What happens if you are not using Leveraging in your business, then you are probably working 10 times
harder than you should be�and making many times less than you should be earning.
I have these valuable tools and when you join my program, I will be sharing this information with you.
Step #5: Mindset
Many professional marketers believe that Mindset is 75% of becoming successful and skill is only 25%.
In the great industry which we call Network Marketing and/or Attraction Marketing, I have had the
opportunity to observe a number of multiple 6 and 7 figure earners. The reason for their
success may not be what you think. It wasn�t because they were better marketers, or could close
the deal with just about every lead that came across their desk, but rather because of something much more basic.
What was it? There are three vital factors:
(1) Know your WHY, (2) Have That Burning Desire To Succeed, and (3) Staying in the Game � the Power of Persistence.
Many people quit before they have had a chance to be successful with Network Marketing.
These three vital factors are Lessons We All Need To Take Seriously.
I strongly suggest studying a chapter daily from Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
A burning desire to reach your goal is the #1 reason for success in any journey.
achievement - without this... is the #1 reason for failure.
When you first set your goal, it may have been... only a wish... maybe it is still just a wish...
but to be successful, you must turn that wish into a consuming obsession or a burning, pulsating desire.....
Let's say you want to earn $75 or more daily, or you want to earn $1,000 or more daily, or you want
optimum health, or you want to grow to a higher level of spirituality, or you want to be a multi-millionaire...
you must have a burning desire every day, every hour to become successful..... and you must believe you will be.....
you must be able to visualize yourself as being successful.
Now that you have a definite goal... a burning desire to succeed... DESIRE BACKED WITH FAITH... and have the belief
your will succeed... next...
Place all your energy on it... all your will power, all your effort, focus, focus, focus..... and take MASSIVE ACTION
DAILY..... everything to reach that goal.
Study the following lessons every morning and every evening before you go to bed and you will find it most helpful in
giving you the burning desire, belief, energy, and motivation to be successful and reach your goals. Study only one chapter daily - read it slower and absorb every sentence.
This is arguably the most famous success book of all time.
It has changed the lives of millions of people through the years.
And it contains the money-making secrets that can change your life too if you use them.
Inspired by Andrew Carnegie's magic formula for success, this book will teach you the secrets that will bring you a fortune.
It will show you not only what to do but how to do it.
Once you learn and apply the simple, basic techniques revealed here, you will have mastered the secret of true and lasting success.
And you may have whatever you want in life.
If you want to improve your life, to make more money, to create more happiness in your life..... don't you think it would be worth studying one chapter daily???
You may already have the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, or may want to purchase it OR you can study it below.
If you purchase it on - Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill it is very, very reasonable...
To YOUR Abundance,
Carolyn Lee
List Building & Marketing Coach
For Health, Wellness, Spirituality Topics,etc.
go to: Lower Left Panel
carolyn @
1 757 497 4253
8:00 AM ET - 11:00 PM ET
The Following Copied From:
Keep your belief strong in this magical formula by studying the following daily lessons
It is recommended you study one chapter only per day - I am NOT saying to read one chapter daily,
I am saying to STUDY one chapter daily... perhaps reading some sentences multiple times ... to make it your own.