Discover the 4 Simple Steps to go from ZERO to 10K+ Monthly
the Beautiful New Luxury Mercedes-Benz in 200 days!
Step One
Here Is Your Guide To Success
This Is The One Success System That Will Take Your Dreams OFF Hold!!!
You Will Be Taught How To Discover Complete Financial Freedom and Experience Your Ideal Lifestyle
An Amazing International Program - This Is Literally One Of A Kind
Join people all over the world who have already achieved their dreams.
- Simple Business Model
- Breakthrough Products
- Perfect Timing
- Simple System That Anyone Can Do
- Start Earning From Day 1
Have You Ever Dreamed Of Earning $100,000 yearly and A New Mercedes?
If you are looking for a simple system to earn an unlimited income, please, attend this webinar:
To watch prerecorded webinar ( about 30 minutes )
Click here for webinar in English
please, watch complete presentation
Below is the webinar calendar - shown in several different languages and
available multiple times daily 7 days a week:
Click here for webinar in different languages
Next select desired date - then scroll to your preferred language.
Next: Click here for tour of program
Next: Click here to join
website is in 8 different languages
Get started fast and earn that beautiful Mercedes-Benz
We have a 4 step plan to get the Mercedes in 200 days and earning approximately 10K monthly
- Discover the 4 Simple
Steps to go from ZERO
to 10K & the Elite Mercedes-Benz
in 200 days!
- Find Out the Proven
Steps that can turn
YOU into a Top Earner
- Learn how to Get Paid
within the first 72 Hours of Joining
- Achieve Financial Freedom
- Live a Happier, More Prosperous Life
- Climb the Ranks
quickly to Drive a
NEW Luxury
On Us!
Discover the 4 Simple Steps to go from ZERO to 10K Monthly and
the Elite Mercedes-Benz in 200 days!
Step Two
How To Plan For A Secure Life
A lesson that I encourage everyone to focus on now is the importance of taking control of our financial future.
How much money will you need to retire?
For this example, let's say... considering hyperinflation, etc., in the future we will need $5,000. for monthly expenses. If you think you will need more than $5k monthly, just double or triple these figures.
If my math is correct, you would need:
- $1,200,000. for 20 years
- $1,800,000. for 30 years
- $2,400,000. for 40 years
- $3,000,000. for 50 years
Because of the constant inflation - month after month - within a few years, we may well need 5K or 10k or more monthly to live confortably...so... it is not crazy to plan to create
1 or 2 or 3 million dollars or so... and we can do it... just stay tuned to this page.
When we studied http://bit.ly/yQJLct ..... - we learned... what we have pictured in our mind, with strong desire, and taking action to make it happen,
there is a good chance our dreams will come true.
So keep in touch with my websites and my messages during 2012 and watch what I am doing to help people create a nice nest egg for their present and future security.
One more observation..... I have noticed that every single wealthy person I have known owns at least one lucrative business.
I strongly suggest, you go back to Step 1 and attend two or three of these webinars and join asap.
Step Three
Join free here
I do not normally like free programs; however, I think this one will turn out to be a real jewel with lots of residual income every month.
This is viral membership growth at its finest!
This is in pre-lauch until April 9th.
That's how long you have to join and grow your downline. After that, pre-lauch will be closed forever and this incredible earning opportunity will have slipped through your hands forever.
On April 10th, all pre-launch members will receive 50% of all advertising profits generated by the advertisers.
It was originally planned on 2 million members. Based on this, they figured members would earn $1 per referral every month. With more than 3.5 million members, we might assume it will be
closer to $2 per referral. We could easily have 4 million members by April 9th.
It's simple.
Join free here
Next: Recruit.
Make this your home page on April 10th.
Then sit back and wait for your first check on May 15th.
You'll get a check every month there after for the rest of your life.
Think this is a scam? How can it be?
Scammers take your money.
They will never ask you for money. It's totally free.
You have nothing to lose and will gain a monthly income for the rest of your life for doing nothing other than making WAZZUB your home page.
So, what do you say?
Join us and experience the power of WE or
don't join and kick yourself when the rest of us are collecting nice monthly checks!
Please Go Here Now... Join here
Step Four
They teach you how to earn $2,000,000 - start for one time $2.00
If you have not yet joined our Magic Program, Please, Join Here For $2 (One Time)
You can join free and pay later. Even if you sponsor someone while you are unpaid..... when you become a paid member, you will receive credit for
the people you have sponsored.
When you get to the website, in the black area at the top, there is a very small JOIN button,
otherwise, scroll to the bottom and click on: CONTINUE TOUR, then next page, scroll to bottom and click on: STEP 1: SIGNUP
Until we can get the Benevolence Group funded, everyone needs to work this $2 program. If we all work together, we can soon get to the $6,000. and
then it is on to the $2,000,000. Sounds impossible, but with work and belief and faith we can get there.
Step Five
Here is an easy system to earn 10k or more
recurring monthly income
Call now and listen to this 10 minute message:
>>>>> 1 206 533 7097
Be sure to have a pen and full size sheet of paper
to draw out what you hear in this message. At the end of the phone message, please, leave me
a message.
If you have questions or would like more information
after listening to this phone message, I'll give you a tour
of my website, so you can see everything first hand
Without listening to the entire phone message you will
not see the power of this program.
Remember, because you receive double commissions on the
first 10 days, you want to get started fast.
You can earn as much as you want here - you can potentially
earn 5 and 6 figures monthly and our calculator will show
you how...
Your work would simply be to advertise a phone call like
this one: 1 206 533 7097 - please, listen for complete details
Step Six
Are you letting poor health rob you?
Do you suffer from colds, flu, lack of energy or any other health ailments?
If you can eliminate these ailments, you will be more empowered to create success.
Here are some free videos that have taught me how to stay healthy
Click here for free videos
Step Seven
Your first 30 minutes and last 30 minutes of each day can empower you
I believe this is vital to your happiness, your empowerment and your wealth.
Here is A Great Way To Start and End Each Day.
This can change your life.
Step Eight
Updates and Marketing Tips
For updates and marketing tips, you can join my newsletter click here
Step Nine
Learn How To Be More Successful
Step Ten
Get Started Now - Study Training Articles At Bottom Of Page
If You Want Success - Plan For Success - Take Action Daily
Have questions or concerns?
I am here to help. If you have questions or concerns about any of these topic, email me and perhaps we can schedule a time when we can chat on the
phone. Please, understand... when you phone me without an appointment..... some days I receive 30 or more calls and I cannot possibly get back to
everyone. So it makes more
sense to email me and schedule a time that is convenient to both of us... or perhaps I can answer your questions in an email. This will empower both
of us.
Grab Your Pot Of Gold
Take some time and enjoy your day!!!
Here's To Your Wellness, Happiness, Empowerment, and Prosperity,
Carolyn Lee
List Building & Marketing Coach
carolynblee @ gmail.com
1 757 497 4253
skype: carolyn.lee123
8:00 AM ET - 11:00 PM ET